The following is a list of books and a video series on Iṣẹṣẹ and African Vodun by His Majesty Axosu Agelogbagan Agbovì I. All books are currently offered as digital copies. Due to us being in between sites to host our book store, right now they can be purchased through cash app at $kilombonon6263. Please leave a note in cashapp as to which book(s) you are purchasing. We can also be contacted at

We welcome you to the first ever authentic Esoteric African Vodun video series called The Inner Dimensions of Vodùn conducted by His Imperial Majesty Axosu Agelogbagan Azàsinkpontín Jisovi Agbovi I under the auspices of the Ganlodo Center for Vodun Instruction, or GCVI. These videos and their teachings cannot be found anywhere on His Imperial Majesty’s YouTube videos nor anywhere else in the public domain on the teachings of African Vodun. All videos will be sent via email upon purchase receipt. The complete series is $300. Payment can be made via Cashapp at $kilombonon6263
This following video covers the content of the 13 video, 6 hour video series. Note that this description does not mention the addition of the 13th lesson which is called Vodun Expressions of Emotion, Their Relation to the Stomach, and Holistic Being.
This video gives a five minute excerpt from the introduction of the series.

This book is about the quest of re-becoming and retrieving what we were born to be from an Afrikan perspective. It takes the reader from a beginning overstanding of Afrikan spirituality from an Iṣẹṣẹ (Yorùbá) perspective to an inner knowing intermediate level all on one book. The word Ìwákiri itself tells it all. Ìwá – character. Kiri – to be on a quest. Character quest. It all boils down to our character in our quest.

This book is a continuation of the work of Ìwákiri. It takes the reader into the inner recesses of how to apply these ancient spiritual practices handed down to is from our ancestors. Special about this book is that is smoothly combines the Afrikan Vodùn and Yorùbá Iṣẹṣẹ traditions. It is in this book that one goes towards a more esoteric overstanding of Vodùn proper.

This work is a first of its kind and unprecedented. This is the first and only time an Afrikan (“black”) person outside of Benin has written a book on the Fɔ̀n dialect of the Ajã language. This book is replete with pertinent useful Fɔ̀n language including circumstantial phrases, sentence structure, a complete multi-page section on proper greetings, verbs, nouns, adverbs, etc. Also unique about this work is that one walks away with an advanced knowledge of the culture and history of the Ajã people.

This work details the application of Vodùn by allowing it to encapsulate your being. Gbɛ́sù means “divine law; natural law of the universe“. Kúlitɔ́ – ancestors. It is the ancient divine law as laid down by our elevated ancestors tens of thousands of years ago. It is the law connecting us directly to our Creator, deities, and ancestors for a society of advancement, balance, and intergenerational advancement.

From the intro: “Vodún is a lifestyle, a mindset coloring daily life, and a way of thinking about the universe. The essence of Vodún is located in ideas of serenity and developing ones sɛ (soul essence) or, as one Vodúnvi puts it: “It means to have an open heart.” Vodún gives those that follow its way of life (called Vodùnví́) a particular sensitivity to interpret everyday life, and to face its problems day after day, with supplementary help. On the contrary from a Western and a-spiritual point of view, Vodún is overly associated with negative magic.”

The first and only book of Odù Ifá compiled by an Afrikan from North America. It has at least 2 verses from each of the 256 sacred Odù. 740 pages

Another first of its kind, this book takes a look at the Odù Ọsẹ Méjì being unique among the 256 Odù in that it speaks more to the Maroon concept of family development, prosperity and nation building than all of the others Odù from the author’s experience.
From the book:
Ọ̀ṣẹ́ Méjì as a Symbol of Nation Building and Maroonage
This collection of 16 verses from the sacred Odù Ifá Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì is unique in the it contains the short 4-part version of the verse, the revealing 8-part version of the verse, the revealing itan (story), the in-depth moral and spiritual messages, commentary, and taboos. Each verse is presented in properly toned Yorùbá with English translations. None of these verses from Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì appẹar in thẹ author’s prẹvious “Iwẹ fun Ọdù Ifá”. Why Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì? It is what Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì represents that caused us to focus on this Odù at this time. In an age of abject degeneracy and imbalance, the presence of the divine feminine energy is quite needed. Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì is the ultimate Odù representing that energy. This Odù is closely associated with victory, accomplishment, and overcoming. It is a befitting Odù for the New Afrikans to consult its energy as we are still in a major power struggle with the enemies within and without. Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì represents the ultimate power of the feminine energy – the power that wipes out the old and useless to usher in the proper order amongst Máwùfɛnumeto (Afrikan people). Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì is about change very similar to Osá Méjì is about change. Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì governs the process of decay, a productive dissolution that nurtures the fertilization of new life. Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì is analogous to the Phoenix, the fiery bird that burns itself to death only to rise from its own ashes in a renewed state of strength and vitality.
Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì is directly in alignment with what we call in the Aja (Fòn) language nukɔnyiyi xwe, or family development: an imperative of the Kilombo Paradigm and the foundational component of Nation Building. There are many references to family solutions in Ọṣẹ ́ Méjì, the proper things to do to make sure children are raised properly, and names related to family such as Amúyiwà – one who brings prestige to the family and Ọlápàdé – honor covers the family.

168 pages
Another first, Kpólí Fá of Afrikan Vodùn is the first book ever publicly produced on the Kpólí Fá from the ancient Vodùn perspective. Though they are known as Odù Ifá among the Yorùbá, they are very different and do not read the same. The author goes into detail about the 3 aspects of Fá that the Kpólí Fá touch on, many of the verses, the primary sacred names of Fá At’isegun and much more. He also speaks on how the sacred and mystical Mothers of the Night relate to Fá from the West Afrikan Vodùn perspective. 168 pages

Vodùn Lexicon and Commentary ©2017-2024 $54.99
156 pages
Another first, Vodùn Lexicon is the first ever lexicon written on the Afrikan Vodùn tradition. This work is a treasure of Afrikan deep thought and brings out the true deeper nature of Vodùn. It is a true testament that Vodùn is not just a bunch of rituals and animal sacrifices as depicted on media outlets.

90 pages
This work draws from the wisdom of the Kpolí Fá of the Fá divination system from the Vodún perspective. Most of these alò, or proverbs, are one to two-line statements of profound wisdom as expressed by the Ajă people of Southern Benin Republic. Contained within are 342 of some of the most complicated proverbs wrapped in Afrikan deep mystery found in Máwùfɛ (Afrika). Many who do not live this culture will not be able to unravel the profundity of the messages contained therein. Hence, for the first time, an Ajăgbè1 to English translation of proverbs from the Ajă people are being shared. All proverbs are first expressed in the N’ko Afrikan writing script, then in Ajăgbè using the Latin script, transliterated to an English translation, and finally followed by a breakdown of what the proverb means.

60 pages
The use of herbs in Máwùfɛ (Afrika), whether medicinal, for food, or spiritual is as old as Afrikan culture itself. Originally, the primary priests in Ajă and other Afrikan cultures were the hunters and “medicine men/women” that were intricately connected to the land of the forest and bush where the herbs were most potent. The proper use of these herbs has been passed down through millennia among the Ajă; something most non Afrikan cultures can boast of. Herbal priests are still prevalent in Afrikan culture and hold tremendous respect and power. Consulting the deities/spirits of the herbs, such as Ọ̀sanyin among the Yorùbá and Agwe of the Ajă people, is mandatory when dealing with the healing and protection of people, families, communities, and nations.

Another first, contained in this book are some of the most sacred teachings of Vodùn dating back thousands of years. This book is strictly written in the Ajã language using the Afrikan writing script called N’ko. This is by design.

These sacred Vodún teachings are in the family of the Hwlengan. The word Ganhumehan means “glorious chants”. These are powerful chants that are used to address all aspects of life. It is written in the Ajã language using N’ko script along with the Latin writing script of the Ajã chants. There are no English translations.

140 pages
A full color book of recipes from southern Benin Republic.

227 pages
From the preface:
Vodún Sacred Tradition in Overview
This book details the ancient metaphorical stories of various hùn (deities) of Vodùn. Vodún sacred lore can be broken down into two divisions: that which is received upon revelation and that which is remembered and becomes sacred history. The former are based on the revelations of the deities and matters of direct spiritual experiences in general. This is what the core of the 256 Kpólí (called Odu Ifá among the Yorùbá people) is composed of. From the Kpólí comes the second division which is sacred history (xwenuxo sin) and metaphorical theological discourse. Xwenuxo sin explains the cryptic wisdom revealed in the core of Kpólí.
To the Vodúnvi (one who lives Vodún as a way of life), categories such as Kpólí are what cannot be thought up by the limited human intellect, but are directly of spirit. It is what is forever valid, never changes and not dependent on the limited capacity of the human for overstanding of any one historical person. For this reason, the Vodúnvi (one who lives life based on the ancient Vodún tradition) is proud not to need a historical founder. The founder and foundation of the Kpólí is Sɛgbo (the Creator) Itself.

70 pages
This book introduced the reader to the deities of Afrikan Vodún, their colors, taboos, animal associations, what they govern on life, kwk.

164 pages
Vodún Meditations, or ߣߎߘߐ߮ߝ ߣߌߟߍߛ Sɛlìn Vodún, in the Aja (commonly known as Fɔ̀n) language of Southern Benin Republic, is a set of daily affirmations and proverbs meant for our functional use not only for those within the Vodún Máwùfɛnu (Afrikan Vodún) tradition, but all Máwùfɛnumeto (Afrikans or so called “Black” people) of good character trying to live a beautiful life. Vodún Meditations is the product of the personal experiences and observations of the Axɔ́sú Àgèlògbàgàn Agbɔvi I and how he saw that he could assist everyday people in their Vodún path – Vodún being life itself.
This work has 75 lŏ (proverbs) and 75 gblŏnnŭ (affirmations). The proverbs included are from ancient Ajã with translation and commentary by the Axɔ́sú (the author). The affirmations or meditations appearing on the opposite page are from the Axɔ́sú’s himself; his experiences and observations. They are replete with high level guidance rooted in ancient Vodún teachings, yet fit for everyday living. Each affirmation is assisted with what we call a dɛxixò action. Dɛxixò is the ritualistic act of giving offerings and prayers to the deities and ancestors. This is a small, yet effective offering to the ancestors, deity (or deities) and/or to the divinity of self to move the energy being affirmed.


The Ajísíxwé contains sacred teachings from the Vodún tradition dating to well over to 1889 AX1 (2352 BCE); 4366 years ago. The focus of the Ajísíxwé is the nature of the Creator, often referred to as Sɛ́gbó in this text, with creation and vice versa. One of the outstanding teachings found in Ajísíxwé is that of the Nùnywέtɔ̀nbŭ (the Triple Overstanding). It is stated that when one obtains the Triple Overstanding then one obtains the very fabric of the universe. The Triple Overstanding is the possessing and living an active knowledge of: 1) Creator and the deities 2) the elevated blood ancestors and collective Tohùn2 and 3) gbέsù or the divine law of the universe itself. In these teachings we find that one is intertwined with the others and that there is no partial elevation.

These books, volumes 1-3, present a unique view and vision. It is the New Afrikan view – the view of Vodùn from those born in Amerikkka who descend from captive Afrikans.
New Afrikan Vodun Vol II – From Muntu to Muntu ©2006 – 2024 $24.99
A continuation of volume I, this book is about advancing the knowledge obtained from volume I to become an authentic human being. In the Ki Kongo language, the word kintu means “something, a person”. The word muntu means “an authentic human being; that which is elevated beyond being a person”.
New Afrikan Vodun Vol III – A Social Discourse Towards Spiritual
and Cultural Reconstitution ©2007 – 2024