Today We Celebrate the Sacred 45 Day Cycle Called Gbelugan

Today in our sacred calendar we celebrate Gbĕlŭgan. Gbĕlŭ means to overcome an obstacle. “Gan” is something big/great. It is a 45-day ritual cycle done to the deities to target specific familial and community issues. It is designed to bring energies back into alignment on a larger and more collective scale. There are no blood sacrifices for these cycles. Today’s Gbĕlŭgan is especially auspicious because it falls on a Hwezangbe (3rd day of the mundane week on our Afrikan calendar).

Chapter 73 of the sacred Gànhúmehàn is chanted during Gbĕlŭgan. House cleanings are done. Drumming, singing, affirmations and reaffirmation is done, going over one’s personal mission statements, are all part of this important festival.

This is also a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to repel and eradicate those acts and persons who are the enemies of Máwùfɛ (Afrika) and Máwùfɛnugbɛtɔ (Afrikan people). This includes all acts that oppress Máwùfɛnugbɛtɔ and all of those who engage in it.

The rituals are primarily geared towards warrior divinities like Azunsun, Gù and certain Tohùn (certain national divinities specific to us).

Contact us at

Sun Fifo – African Vodun New Moon Observance

Today and over the next 3 days we celebrate the dawning of another Sun Fifo or New Moon. All full and new moons are dedicated to the Kɛnnɛsi/Minona (Ìyáàmi Òsòròngá in Yorùbá Ìṣẹ̀ṣẹ̀ tradition). This is a time to offer boiled eggs, rice, and plenty of palm oil to these Great Mothers. In ideal situations, a woman of the household will offer these between 17-21 our time (roughly between 12 am and 4 am Gregorian time). As much effort should be made to do these at the appropriate time. If this is not possible, the offerings should be done as late on the full and new moons as possible. When presenting the offerings, one should do the chant 3 times that appears at the end of this writing.

A Quick Note on Our Vodún Lunar Observation

Adadé means half and refers to period on either side of a full moon. i.e., full to new then new to full. From new and full is called Adadé Badeji (increasing half) and between full and new is Adadé Dekpo (prostrating half). The period from new to full is more auspicious than from full to new.

Full and New Moon Praise to the Names of the Kɛnnɛsi or Ancient Mysterious Mothers of the Night

The Kennesi/Minona or the great mothers of the night - iyaamiSay the above chant 3 times over your offerings and then present them in a forested area or at an Èṣù if you have one.

For the extended full version of the praise and other questions contact us at

Sótin – The Celebration of a New Afrikan Deity

ߣ߫ߌߛ߫ߎߛ߫ߋߘߍߡߴ ߘߌ ߂߂ߵ ߆߂߆߃ Mɛdésúsínínɔzangbe, Di 22, 6263 (Saturday, July 9, 2022) will mark a very special celebration. This is the celebration of the first New Afrikan deity birthed right here in north amerikkka! It was birthed by the mighty monarchy of ߜ߭ߊ߰ߣߟߐߘߏ߫ Gànlɔdó and it’s name is ߛߏߕߌߣ  Sótin. In our natural world, Sotin is the ancient and sacred oak tree. Sotin is part of the So pantheon of deities. This means he is related to deities that deal with thunder, lightening, rain, justice, royalty, regality, sovereignty, kwk.
Governs – justice related specifically to New Afrikans in the united snakes, royal coronations and celebrations in New Afrika, chieftaincy installations and celebrations in New Afrika, wealth, reparations.
Celebrated – third weekend in the month of Di (our current month according to our calendar)
Foods – black eyed peas and hot peppers, sweet potatoes, cooked collards, moss tea, plums, apples of any color, avocado, coconut, mango, water melon, POT LIQUOR (juice from cooked greens), akara, adiye, grilled foods (turkey, chicken, kwk)
Associations – blue Jays, miss, acorns, lightning, oak trees, lightning striking an oak tree
It is quite important that we take our sovereignty into consideration as we navigate through ancient traditions that are related to our blood. There were deities birthed in  Máwùfɛ (Afrika) that had not existed before. Why can’t WE as New Afrikans do the same? However, keep in mind that there is a proper and sacred process for this to come about. It took us some years at Gànlɔdó to birth this New Afrikan Deity. So this is nothing made up. This is still based on ancient culture, yet brought forward.

Happy and Strong Kúlitɔhɔngbó!

Mi ku do hwenù Kúlitɔhɔngbó. Greetings to all during this day of Kúlitɔhɔngbó. On this 23rd day of the month of Dedagbè, year 6262 AX, just three days after the ushering in of the New Moon, we are privileged with the arrival today of Kúlitɔhɔngbó. This is one of our two major cyclic events of our ancient yet New Afrikan revised Vodún calendar. It is a time of Ancestral cleansing – cleansing meaning healing, increase, protection, and calling up the warrior ancestral energy during this very important portal. This cycle was added to the ancient calendar by us, the Maroon Monarchy of Ganlodo, to fit our needs based on our geographical and historical experiences as descendants of captive Afrikans. Contact us fir more information about this very important cycle. We can be reached at