This weekend we celebrated the life of our living Kilomboxosu (Maroon king), the Mighty Crocodile, His Imperial Majesty Axosu Agelogbagan Azasinkpotin Jisovi Agbovi I. This is a time when Afrikan monarchies celebrate the birthday of the monarch, his/her royal ancestors and mother for bringing them to our world.
This king’s day was a success as the king was able to wear and display the first ever Aja culture applique semi-crown/hat made outside of Aja-land (Benin, Togo, parts of Southeastern Nigeria, and parts of Southern Ghana). This has is adorned with the royal totem of this king, the agelo, or mighty crocodile. It was said that the axosu came back to free the cultural shackles that people have imposed on themselves, within, Afrikan traditions. He is one sent to teach the teachers according to the sacred Kpoli Fá/Odù Ifá Gudafliwogbe. We salute the king, his monarchy and his ancestors on this sacred day. Author of 20 publications, all unique, on Isese and African Vodun, the Axosu is here to bring the light to the darkness.