Today We Celebrate the Liberation Effort of Nat Turner at Ganlodo

Ku do azan Gufon Nat Turner, mavomavo! “Greetings on this Nat Turner Rebellion Day!”

Today we celebrate the gufonu (rebellious) spirit and warrior actions of the great ancestor Nat Turner (mavomavo – Aja word to spiritually honor a great spirit) and those who followed him who took the idea of liberation and freedom in their own hands. They did not wait on the yovo to tell them they were free. They KILLED the yovo (whites) -children, their female dogs (“women”), and all,  rightfully so, to become free. Unfortunately, the rebellion was put to a stop because of, you guessed it, house negroes. These same negroes are around now and many hide behind Afrikan clothing and Afrikan spiritual systems.

However Gufonto Nat Turner , mavomavo, inspired the spirit in Maroonage in many captive Afrikans in the amerikkkas, encouraging them to not only leave the physical plantation and physical so called master but the also to rid the captive plantation and so called master from their minds. We are inspired today by the profound actions of Nat Turner, mavomavo, at the Ganlodo Maroon Monarchy. His spirit will only get stronger.