Mi ku do hwenù Kúlitɔhɔngbó. Greetings to all during this day of Kúlitɔhɔngbó. On this 23rd day of the month of Dedagbè, year 6262 AX, just three days after the ushering in of the New Moon, we are privileged with the arrival today of Kúlitɔhɔngbó. This is one of our two major cyclic events of our ancient yet New Afrikan revised Vodún calendar. It is a time of Ancestral cleansing – cleansing meaning healing, increase, protection, and calling up the warrior ancestral energy during this very important portal. This cycle was added to the ancient calendar by us, the Maroon Monarchy of Ganlodo, to fit our needs based on our geographical and historical experiences as descendants of captive Afrikans. Contact us fir more information about this very important cycle. We can be reached at ekaabokilombo@gmail.com