Greetings to All. Join us all this weekend at the maroon monarchy of Gànlɔdó as we celebrate the hùn (deity) that is said to keep all of the mysteries of the universe, called Hu among the Aja (called Olokun among the Yoruba). Hu is a very ancient deity whose veneration dates back to the origins of Máwùfenumeto (Afrikan people) themselves. As the great deity, Hu is also the owner of all water on earth. We have always venerated the sacredness of the mysteries of the sea and invoked the deep thought and spirit that it inculcates us to.
This particular recognition of the great sea deity was recognized as such an important power that one of the Aja ethnic groups, the Hula, were named after the great divinity! In some places Hu is known as a feminine aspect, and in some a masculine aspect. We say to the great Hu the following:
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Contact Gànlɔdó Kilombonu Xotɔme (Gànlɔdó Maroon Monarchy – the only maroon/black nationalistic Afrikan monarchy in existence) at