Ganlodo Criteria for being Recognized as an Afrikan Monarchy or as an AfrikanTitle Holder

We want to go on record as to our status as an Afrikan xotome (monarchy) and how we go about the recognition of other Afrikan organizations. It is well known that we are a properly established Afrikan monarchy founded and rooted in authentic Aja culture just 2 years after Axosu axosu lee ton Agelogbagan Agbovi was crowned the first axosu (Aja-Fon culture King) outside of Benin Republic West Afrika. Historically, monarchies often establish links and recognition between other monarchies, monarchs, chieftaincies, priesthoods, temples, and the like. That being said, we felt there was a need for us to present the requirements for any of the aforementioned to be recognized by us, the Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome (Ganlodo Maroon Monarchy). This applies to all who claim to have Afrikan titles, Afrikan monarchies, Afrikan spiritual temples, Afrikan villages and the like around the world, including Máwùfe (Afrika) itself.

1) You must first be Afrikan. You must clearly be Afrikan genetically/physically. Ganlodo does not subscribe to the miseducated thoughts of “We all are from Afrika” or “Everybody comes from us”. This is false. In short,  both parents must be Afrikan.

2) You must have an Afrikan only policy. “Afrikan” meaning that the people you have as members of your organizations must be Afrikan only. Also there are no donations of any kind coming from non Afrikans.

3) “Afrikan only” also means that you do not do spiritual, medicinal or cultural work for non Afrikans. Not only that,  but this also means you have a policy of not even discussing Afrikan traditions with non Afrikans (Asians, Whites, Hispanics who are non Afrikan and who do not fit the description of “Afrikan” above) . This also means they do not attend and are not welcomed at your events, rituals, or celebrations. This clearly means that if you are supposed to be an Afrikan king, queen, chief, kwk you do not give audience to the non Afrikan in that titled capacity nor do you culturally associate with those that do.

4) You do not condone* or engage in any form of dissexuality. Dissexuality is any form of same sex relations, interracial relationships, pedophilia, rape and european approaches to intimate relationships (Afrikans who engage in European-style relationships)

5) You do not engage in non Afrikan friendships and are not inviting towards them in ways outside of business deals/transactions

6) You do not engage in or condone, in your temples/monarchies/organizations/in your title capacity… kwk, any form of degeneracy which scars the Afrikan community world-wide, including but not exclusive of domestic violence, men dominating women, women dominating men, drug use and selling, holding gang membership while also claiming Afrikan traditions, public foul behavior and language (we shouldn’t have to spell that out to you), thug behavior, and the like.

7)You nor your temple, organization, priesthood, chieftaincy or other Afrikan titles engage in or condone the practice of any non Afrikan and made up ideologies and religious traditions including but not exclusive of ANY FORM of judaism, christianity (including catholicism, rastafarian), islam, hebrew israelite, hinduism, buddhism, b’hai, jainism, wicca, roscicrusian, moorish science, “native american” spirituality, freemasonry, greek lettered organizations, five percenters/gods and earths, nuwabians (and other made up Kemetic themed stuff) and the like, as these are all antithetical to the Afrikan worldview.

We could probably think of more, but we feel these are the basics that would allow Ganlodo to recognize or not recognize you, your organizations, and your titles and set up the atmosphere whereas we can form treatises and alliances. If you and yours fit this criteria, please contact us at Someone will be happy to reply to you promptly. If any of the above is being engaged in, which we call our core consideration, then there will be no recognition.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Ganlodo does not recognize any other Afrikan monarchy, whether in Máwùfe (Afrika) or abroad because none we have encountered meet these standards which should be “auto-standard” for Afrikan people anyway. However, if you do know of any monarchy, egbe, ile, temple, chief (gender neutral), priests, kwk who are holding the above numbered standards then please let us know. We know there are going to be only a few of us out here either way.

Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome

Declared this 27th day of Dokun in the year 6260 (Oct 16, 2019)

*Condone for us also means you do not associate with persons who engage in these activities even if you don’t engage in them. This definition of “condone” applies to the complete document.