Maroonage as an Approach to Afrikan Spiritual Traditions

Maroonage as an Approach to Afrikan Spiritual Traditions

The concept of Kilɔmbonu (Maroonage) is simple yet dynamic. In its simplest form, Kilɔmbonu (the Kongo-Ajã combined word we use for Maroonage) is comprised of the concepts and ideas of culture and sovereignty manifested. Hwɛndo (“Culture”) is all aspects of living life – economics, finance, spirituality, defense, language, worldview, marriage, courting, kwk. That’s the ideology. Physically, Maroonage often comes about when those who have such ideas realize they have to separate themselves (in various forms) from those who do not hold such a worldview, and are often directly or indirectly in opposition to those noble sentiments of mɛdésúsínínɔ (sovereignty). Afrikan monarchies have been created from this approach. Many are familiar with the Maroons of Jamaica and the Quilombos (Kilombos) of Brazil. These were communities set up by Afrikans who had escaped from captivity who continued to live their culture, spiritual traditions, and worldview. Unfortunately, some of them, especially many of the Jamaican Maroons, turned their backs on true sovereignty and ended up cooperating with the British putting many escaped Afrikans back into caltivity. Well, we don’t count them as Maroons.

Maroonage is very rarely talked about as an approach to the way we live our Afrikan spiritual traditions. It seems to be a scary topic to broach for the religious minded practitioner. We take Maroonage to be the only viable approach to obtain true cultural, spiritual, economic, and physical sovereignty. It is the true healing, and not the continuous patching up of old wounds that religious thought brings.

A degree of separation will have to come about for the success of Maroonage to manifest. Separation can come physically, mentally, spiritually or all of the above. It’s about sovereign space and that space starts within the Afrikan mind.

By Ayìnɔn Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn  Fáwensagun Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I

The Gànlɔdóxɔ́sú

True Maroonage Defined Part 1 –

True Maroonage Defined Part 2




Today We Celebrate the Ritual Cycle of Gbĕlŭgan

Today in our sacred calendar we celebrate Gbĕlŭgan. Gbĕlŭ means to overcome an obstacle. Gan is something big/great. It is a 45-day ritual cycle done to the deities to target specific familial and community issues. It is designed to bring energies back into alignment on a larger and more collective scale. There are no blood sacrifices for these cycles.

Chapter 73 of the sacred Gànhúmehàn is chanted during Gbĕlŭgan. House cleanings are done. Drumming, singing, affirmations and reaffirmation is done, going over one’s personal mission statements, are all part of this important festival.

This is also a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to repel and eradicate those acts and persons who are the enemies of Máwùfɛ (Afrika) and Máwùfɛnugbɛtɔ (Afrikan people). This includes all acts that oppress Máwùfɛnugbɛtɔ and all of those who engage in it.

The rituals are primarily geared towards warrior divinities like Azunsun, and certain Tohùn (Togùn are certain national divinities specific to us).

To read more about and purchase the Gànhúmehàn please visit

Contact us at

The Ganlodo Take on American Independence Day

The Great American Declaration of Independence. Freedom for all, right?

On this day, July 4, 247 years ago, the United Snakes of America declared independence from what they called the tyranny of British oppression. One of the primary drafters of the declaration was Thomas Jefferson who would go on to be the 3rd president of the USA and probably the most famous pedophile in American history! That’s right. While they were declaring freedom from British tyranny, Jefferson was raping young Afrikan captive girls on his plantation he owned as captor (so called Slave master). Simultaneously, George Washington, amerikkka’s first president, was pulling teeth out of the mouths of his male captives to replace his. He physically owned over 300 Afrikan captives during this time.

Now I know this is a time for most of our people just to simply get together and have fun. You have a day off. I get it. But believe it or not there are black people who have fallen for the false idea behind the Fourth of You Lie. They fought for their freedom while keeping your ancestors in shackles! And they were free to walk around and do as they pleased under this so called British tyranny.

Some will remain in ignorance. Some, however, just need the right info. For those willing to come out of ignorance, share this post with them.

On this day, after you pick up that beer and liquor from the Asian owned liquor store, and you get that meat from white owned Kroger/Winn Dixie/Publix/Jewel-Osco/Walmart I want you to do something.

Remember your ancestors who did not taste not one bit of that independence of 1776 and never anything contained in the lofty Bill of Rights. Pour out some of that liquor to the ground for those souls that suffered WORSE oppression after the 1776 farce. Put some of that food to the side for their souls. Say some prayers to elevate those souls. 

There is no happy fourth of July for our people unless you consider a continuous nightmare happy. Do the math.

Services Provided to the General Afrikan Community by Ganlodo Maroon Monarchy

Kan Fa in the African Vodun tradition

Kan Fa in the African Vodun tradition


Ganlodo does not only help elevate its family members- citizens proper. It should be noted that we also provide spiritual services to the general Afrikan community such as: 

General Ifa Divinations
Roots Readings/Ipilese Fa – Detailed Fa reading that speaks on your true ancestral origins, ancestral family and clan names, the names of the ancestors you descend from on both sides, the years in which they were put into captivity, family occupations and family deities, family “curses” or spiritual ailments and how to remove them and much more
Zoto Readings – a Fa reading specific to the Aja culture of Benin, Togo, Parts of Southern Ghana, and Badagry SW Nigeria. This reading reveals your sponsoring ancestor. Among the Aja (also called Fon people) one’s zoto is very important to know and is a major part of knowing one’s destiny. The Zoto is the ancestral guiding light of the individual. This Zoto often has left the earth without fulfilling a key mission in life. This, they will hope to achieve, through the living descendant that he/she sponsors.
Hand of Ifa – Ceremony to find out your destiny. Done from the Aja Vodun perspective. For select friends of Ganlodo.
Relationship Readings for Heterosexual Afrikan Couples
Guidance Towards ReAfrikanization for Individuals, Couples, Families and Communities
Further inquiring about any of these services can be submitted by Afrikan people at

Ganlodo Criteria for being Recognized as an Afrikan Monarchy or as an AfrikanTitle Holder

We want to go on record as to our status as an Afrikan xotome (monarchy) and how we go about the recognition of other Afrikan organizations. It is well known that we are a properly established Afrikan monarchy founded and rooted in authentic Aja culture just 2 years after Axosu axosu lee ton Agelogbagan Agbovi was crowned the first axosu (Aja-Fon culture King) outside of Benin Republic West Afrika. Historically, monarchies often establish links and recognition between other monarchies, monarchs, chieftaincies, priesthoods, temples, and the like. That being said, we felt there was a need for us to present the requirements for any of the aforementioned to be recognized by us, the Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome (Ganlodo Maroon Monarchy). This applies to all who claim to have Afrikan titles, Afrikan monarchies, Afrikan spiritual temples, Afrikan villages and the like around the world, including Máwùfe (Afrika) itself.

1) You must first be Afrikan. You must clearly be Afrikan genetically/physically. Ganlodo does not subscribe to the miseducated thoughts of “We all are from Afrika” or “Everybody comes from us”. This is false. In short,  both parents must be Afrikan.

2) You must have an Afrikan only policy. “Afrikan” meaning that the people you have as members of your organizations must be Afrikan only. Also there are no donations of any kind coming from non Afrikans.

3) “Afrikan only” also means that you do not do spiritual, medicinal or cultural work for non Afrikans. Not only that,  but this also means you have a policy of not even discussing Afrikan traditions with non Afrikans (Asians, Whites, Hispanics who are non Afrikan and who do not fit the description of “Afrikan” above) . This also means they do not attend and are not welcomed at your events, rituals, or celebrations. This clearly means that if you are supposed to be an Afrikan king, queen, chief, kwk you do not give audience to the non Afrikan in that titled capacity nor do you culturally associate with those that do.

4) You do not condone* or engage in any form of dissexuality. Dissexuality is any form of same sex relations, interracial relationships, pedophilia, rape and european approaches to intimate relationships (Afrikans who engage in European-style relationships)

5) You do not engage in non Afrikan friendships and are not inviting towards them in ways outside of business deals/transactions

6) You do not engage in or condone, in your temples/monarchies/organizations/in your title capacity… kwk, any form of degeneracy which scars the Afrikan community world-wide, including but not exclusive of domestic violence, men dominating women, women dominating men, drug use and selling, holding gang membership while also claiming Afrikan traditions, public foul behavior and language (we shouldn’t have to spell that out to you), thug behavior, and the like.

7)You nor your temple, organization, priesthood, chieftaincy or other Afrikan titles engage in or condone the practice of any non Afrikan and made up ideologies and religious traditions including but not exclusive of ANY FORM of judaism, christianity (including catholicism, rastafarian), islam, hebrew israelite, hinduism, buddhism, b’hai, jainism, wicca, roscicrusian, moorish science, “native american” spirituality, freemasonry, greek lettered organizations, five percenters/gods and earths, nuwabians (and other made up Kemetic themed stuff) and the like, as these are all antithetical to the Afrikan worldview.

We could probably think of more, but we feel these are the basics that would allow Ganlodo to recognize or not recognize you, your organizations, and your titles and set up the atmosphere whereas we can form treatises and alliances. If you and yours fit this criteria, please contact us at Someone will be happy to reply to you promptly. If any of the above is being engaged in, which we call our core consideration, then there will be no recognition.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Ganlodo does not recognize any other Afrikan monarchy, whether in Máwùfe (Afrika) or abroad because none we have encountered meet these standards which should be “auto-standard” for Afrikan people anyway. However, if you do know of any monarchy, egbe, ile, temple, chief (gender neutral), priests, kwk who are holding the above numbered standards then please let us know. We know there are going to be only a few of us out here either way.

Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome

Declared this 27th day of Dokun in the year 6260 (Oct 16, 2019)

*Condone for us also means you do not associate with persons who engage in these activities even if you don’t engage in them. This definition of “condone” applies to the complete document.


Roots Reading – Learning Your True Afrikan Identity Through the Afrikan Oracle of Ifá

Roots Readings are THE key to true Sankofa

Roots Reading – Learning Your True Afrikan Identity Through the Afrikan Oracle of Ifá

One of the biggest questions as well as dilemmas, for New Afrikan people, is the issue of “Who am I really?” The big business of DNA testing has really been racking in riches based upon the hunger of New Afrikan people to reconnect with their Afrikan true heritage. Without going into many of the scientific inaccuracies of these tests, most of these Afrikans are left wanting and in need of much more information. Often times more questions are created than answers. Many are not aware that there is an Afrikan spiritual cultural way to find out exactly who you are.

African Divination Systems: Finding Your True Identity Through an Ifá Roots Reading

In the Yoruba language, the word Ìpilè, or more properly Ìpilèşè, means “root, foundation“. In the Fon language of Benin Republic, the word dodo means “origins”. The reading often referred to as a Roots Reading, for those who have heard of such,  is more properly called Ìpilèşè Fá in Yoruba. It is roughly translated as “the root/foundation according to Fá/Ifá oracle“. This is the reading whereas New Afrikans (Descendants of those Afrikans who were captured and sold into captivity) gather the pertinent spiritual, social, and mundane information reconnecting them to their Afrikan ethnic root. It is one thing to know that you are Afrikan, but even more important to know exactly where you come from.

Not only does the Ìpilèşè Fá tell you this, but it also tells you such things as if your people were captured, and if so, how your people got into captivity, what kind of family you come from (what they were doing in Mawufe – Aja/Fon word for Afrika – before being captured), what did they do, what side of the family your soul descends from (hence, “root”), family taboos, the deity or deities your family worshiped, the Odu or sacred spiritual sign that governs your family, if one descends from royalty, blacksmiths, merchants, kwk (etc etc), which group was responsible for them being captured, when they were captured, to which part of the itankale (Yoruba for “diaspora”) they landed in, what happened with them when they got there, what other Afrikan ethnicities entered the family line, if there are any curses (spiritual illnesses) found within the lineage and how to rid the lineage of such ills, kwk (this is Ki Bantu or so-called “Ki Swahili” short for katha wa katha which means “etc., etc.”).

Right now, even with the dna testing, we are like buildings without foundations (an anomaly that can’t be). Our ancient sacred Ifá oracle states, in Ofun Owonrin, one of its 256 sacred Odù or chapters:

Orí òrùlé ni ò şeé rìn
Gbaragada, gbàràgàdà, gbaragada
A dífá fún Ìpilèşè
Tíí şe Baba Ìlékè
Wón níi kó rúbọ
Ó gbébọ, Ó rúbọ
Njé bí ò bá sí Ìpilèşè
Emi là bá fi Ìlékè şe?

It is difficult to walk on a rooftop
With wanton recklessness
That was the message of Ifá to Ìpilèşè (Foundation)
The father of Ìlékè
He was advised to offer ẹbọ (sacrifice)
He complied
Behold, without Ìpilèşè (foundation)
Of what use is Ìlékè (building)

Though there are not many priests trained within this system, we encourage all New Afrikans, Afrikans torn away from their Afrikan motherland, to seek out priests that do this very important reading. You do not have to depend on the distorted world of DNA testing companies. Read The False World of DNA-Ancestry Testing Technology.

The Zoto Fá – Finding Your Ancestral Sponsor

The zoto (pronounced jo-to) is a unique West Afrikan Vodun ancestral concept. The word loosely translates as “the person who gives fire to the soul”. This is the ancestor most vested in helping their descendant achieve all of the good in life and avoid the bad. This ancestor is of the same sex as the person whose zoto they are. Often, the zoto will have unfinished business in relation to their own destiny and will seek to achieve that through their descendant. The zoto may have certain taboos, certain proclivities, certain standard for one’s mate choices and the like. Knowing one’s zoto is important for those Afrikans who wish to be complete.

In Vodun, it is preferable to set up a completely separate shrine to one’s zoto. This ancestor is deserving of special attention and a unique kind of veneration. There may be certain items, numbers, colors, kwk that are sacred to the zoto that will often play a part in the construction of the zoto shrine. One can say that the Zoto Fa (Fa divination that reveals the Zoto) is a direct compliment to the Ìpilèşè Fa (Roots Reading). 

For the Education of those Sincerely Seeking

It should be noted that this is a West Afrikan Vodun concept carried out by trained bokonon (those initiated to and trained in Fá/Ifá divination). The word zoto is an Aja (Often referred to as Fon) word. This culture is firmly rooted in Togo, Benin Republic, parts of Southern Ghana, and in Badagry SW Nigeria. If there are those in other Afrikan systems claiming to be able to reveal your zoto, but are not trained in and using Fá divination from the Vodun perspective (people can have training in more than one system), then it is no different than those in Benin who are lying saying that they do Roots Readings when, in fact, the Roots Reading is a uniquely New Afrikan system created in the United States. The people in Afrika are not trained in it. 

Contact us at on how to go forward with getting a Roots Reading and/or Zoto Reading of your own. All readings are currently done by His Imperial Majesty Axosu Agelogagan Jisovi Agbovi I.