Awŏvì (Entity-Chaos) and Its Yõvó Enemy-Parasite Agent

Awŏvì (Entity-Chaos), Its Yõvó Enemy-Parasite Agent and How to Overcome Them

From a Maroon perspective, we have discovered and expounded upon the concept of the -enemy-parasite, how it operates from outside, how it effects Afrikans from without and within, and solutions on how to remove it. We expound on it here in brief with these excerpts from my book “The Kilombo Paradigm: Maroon Sovereignty Through Vodun Culture”.

When we say kɛn-nùvíɖogbɛ or “enemy-parasite”, we are speaking of the historical enemies and oppressors of Afrikan people. Those are primarily the European and Arab. Yet, in truth, when you break it down the enemy-parasite has conquered nothing of great substance. They are as large, or as hegemonic as we are intimidated by their confused and boisterous machinations. What they have done is to zealously accommodate themselves as agents of the entity-chaos. This is the more formidable challenge. Its existence antedates the enemy-parasite. In Vodún, this is the spirit entity called Awŏvì.

The enemy-parasite is a small thing. It is like those pesky yet weak lower level spirits of bad intent who must have hosts (preferably those weaker in spirit and open to such negation) in order that they may find expression. They are what people make and allow them to be.

We must learn to recognize intrinsic and extrinsic challenges. We must recognize the enemy-parasite and the entity-chaos that we carry unconsciously in the recesses of our psyche; their major vehicle. We must know the entity-chaos, its vehicles, and the enemy-parasite in all of their manifestations. This will take continual and intense study and analysis of authentic Afrikan cultures and spiritual sciences.

The agents of destruction (the yõvó – historical enemies and would be destroyers of Afrikan people) are no more than agents. They act in the service of an entity greater than themselves. They have embraced it, celebrated it, and defined themselves within it. It is an entity that has no name. The closest descriptive term in Vodún culture is Awŏvì (leader of the spirits of complete and uncontrollable chaos).

Don’t Continue to be a Host to the Enemy-Parasite: Build Up Your Spiritual/Cultural Immune System

Notice that we use the term parasite. Parasites use hosts to survive and perpetuate themselves. Like a marauding, viral disease, it senses the internal weaknesses and the self-compromised defenses of a possible host. It then infiltrates, neutralizes the host’s defenses, camouflages and multiplies itself, and finally overwhelms the host in a feeding frenzy. In its greedy, blinded engorgement, it eventually exhausts itself. A weakened host galvanizes heretofore unrecognized resources and mounts a renewed offensive that facilitates its own recovery and expulsion of the disease. It is not enough, however, to merely arrest or contain the disease. It must be expelled.

The problem is that some hosts don’t know they are hosts and are devoured from within. Some Afrikans are agents of their own destruction by aiding the ailments brought by the enemy-parasite. This is why a Maroon approach to healing and sovereignty is very important. The Maroon realizes that there may be more power in our quality than our quantity.

The enemy-parasite and the entity-chaos are virulent and insidious. The consequence of any accommodation of the enemy-parasite at this point in our history will be a perpetually enfeebled and humiliating subservience.

Check list on overcoming the entity-chaos and its agent, the enemy-parasite

– learn the various cultured ways to identify the Enemy-Parasite in all forms

-check yourself that you do not aid white supremacy (this includes Arabs). Check for the inner enemy.

– return to your original culture and realize it has the keys to empowerment

– live your culture with every intent of achieving proper family development, nation building, and sovereignty












The African American Identity Crisis Addressed by the Ifá Oracular Spiritual Science

Kan Fa in the African Vodun tradition
What Does the Ifá Oracle Roots Reading System Say About the Idea by Some New Afrikans that We Come from Amerikkka and Not Afrika?
Afrikan spiritual sciences and oracles like the Yorùbá system of Ifá are profound and are now studied by many non-Afrikans, even to the point of being taught in universities. Initiation into the sacred shrine of Ifá is sought by many, including the previously mentioned non-Afrikans.
There are various levels of divination done by Ifá priests who are called awo – mystery/secret (babaláwo for a male and ìyánífá for a female). One such level is one developed by and for New Afrikans, Afrikans who were displaced by the Maafa (captivity and its horrendous results) is called Ipilẹṣẹ Fá, or “your Foundations/Roots according to Ifá“. You will most often hear the term Roots Reading in reference to the Ipilẹṣẹ Fá. This system was built upon a more ancient Ifá system of divination that is done for a child when she/he comes into the world.
To the left, and Ifá divination board called opọn Ifá with the ikin Ifá, or divination seeds. To the right, an Ifá divination chain called opele.
The beauty of the Ifá Oracle is that it takes human opinion out of the equation. It is the unmitigated truth, and when its messages are followed, as Afrikans, we are returned to true knowledge of self. Awo (Ifá priests), male and female, are expected to be honest and unbiased and to only allow the Oracle to speak. This eliminates false accusations, confirms correct assumptions and dispels incorrect assumptions and opinions. Violation of this code of conduct can bring major spiritual consequences for the Awo.
Not only must you be an initiate of the sacred wisdom divinity Ifá/Ọrúnmìlà to do this reading, but you must be properly and thoroughly trained to do so. As it is its own system within the larger system, it takes a few years of extra training on top of your other regular Ifá priesthood training to be able to execute this profound science that helps people discover who they really are. This system can only be done by trained Ifá priests born in the belly of the Maafa ìtànkálẹ̀ (diaspora) as it is specifically tailored for those whose ancestors were scattered by the Great Disaster of Afrikan captivity. Nobody directly from Afrika is trained in this system, and if you run into one from the continent saying they do Roots Readings then they are lying.
Video breaking down Roots Readings
That being said, unfortunately, all of the elders in the United Snakes who used to do the Roots Readings have passed into the other realm. However, there are for sure two of their students left and one possible (so I’ve heard) that are properly trained to do this intense reading. Of the two for sure, I am one of them.
In short, the Roots Reading tells the New Afrikan where his/her ancestors on both sides came from, when they came here, how they came here, where the landed, the exact year, the exact names, family and personal occupations before and during the Maafa, family names and totems, clan names and totems, social status, and more.
All of that was said to say this. There seems to appear a new fad of misinformation-that-becomes- fact for New Afrikan people every 10-12 years. That new fad-become-fact is that our people are from over here and not from Afrika! Since 6247 AX (2006 on the Gregorian calendar) I have done over 1000 indepth Roots Readings. The other babaláwo I mentioned of the “two-for-sure” mentioned to me he has done at least double that! I asked him had ANY of the results of the Roots Readings he’s done said that the ROOTS of the person sitting in front of him getting the reading were from anywhere in the Americas. He literally laughed because he thought I was joking. Realizing I was serious, he said heck no! Out of the over 1000 Roots Readings I’ve done, not one roots reading said the person’s ancestry was rooted anywhere in the americas!!!
Even the elders who have passed away, and didn’t know about this “we are really from the Americas” fad NEVER mentioned they did a reading of a person’s roots coming from anywhere else but Mãwùfɛ̀ (Afrika).
His Imperial Majesty Agelogbagan Agbovi, author of this article
Ayìnɔn (His Imperial Majesty) Agelogbagan Agbovi, author of this article

We are thankful for the profound truth that has been left to us in the form of Ifá. Ifá exposes truths and lies. Ifá straightens out that which has become crooked. Ifá brings clarity to the Afrikan mind and soul which has been bombarded with so much foreign enemy ideology that many now have a NEW IDENTITY CRISIS. However, for those wishing for clarity on their real identity, know that the Ifá Oracle is here for you.

18 Years in the Ifá Priesthood – A Narrative

E kó yi xwe afɔntɔn nukun atɔn. There goes year 18. (Ajã language)

18 years ago today, after almost 8 years of training with various knowledgeable priests and knowledgeable non initiated Afrikans, I went through a double initiation becoming a Babaláwo in the Yorùbá Iṣẹṣẹ tradition and a Bɔ̃konɔn in the African Vodun tradition of southern Benin Republic, West Afrika. The celebrating of an anniversary in Yorùbá language is called Odunde (returning year) and Hwetanu (a thing at the top of the year) in the Ajã* language of southern Benin Republic.

Ayìnɔ̀n (His Imperial Majesty) Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I
Ayìnɔ̀n (His Imperial Majesty) Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I at Jazz Fest Atl

How I feel About 18 Years in the Ifá Priesthood ???

When I was first told I was supposed to train and be initiated in 1997 (initiation came in 2005), I was very enthusiastic and was coming in as a Black Nationalist. …only to find out that the VAST majority of people in this tradition were far from nationalists, and truthfully not all of that “black conscious”. They were and are more religious than anything. This shocked me and was very disappointing. That was the first shock. The second was the amount of treachery and backbiting that was so rampant….the online Ifa gangsters who, if cornered at the Kroger grocery store, would immediately try to cop out. The treachery was and is so bad that I say the church ain’t got nothing on these Iṣẹṣẹ so called Ifa people. And the third concerns this. The lack of reciprocity shown in general from not only Iṣẹṣẹ, Vodún, Akan etc people but from our people in general. Often, they complain about stuff and talk about how we need to do this and that. But when you come to them with a solution then there are…. crickets. And don’t be a Maroon in this tradition. You are looked at as if you have 8 legs and one eye in the middle of your head.

I have helped countless people not lose and/or recover valuable things and people in their lives. Don’t ask me where they are, or where were they when I needed something. Maybe they were sitting in that mansion I helped them get back in a far away room and they just couldn’t hear the phone. Or maybe it was the usual: all that matters is what the priest (Babaláwo/Bɔ̃konɔn in this case) can do for them.

I’ve done countless Roots Readings (Ipilẹsẹ Fá idafá) that have reconnected New Afrikan people to their lineages; restoring their ethnic identity, family names, clan names, captured ancestors names what exactly happened to them, etc. Countless readings that retrieved their sponsoring ancestors names (the ancestor is referred to as a person’s Zɔtɔ – the one who gives their descendant fire)…readings that can only be done by a New Afrikan priest for New Afrikans. Removed generational curse after generational curse, healed people when everybody thought it was a done deal for them, kwk. Helped develop stronger family relationship with my work…even other priests. Yet, where are they now? Maybe they thought when I mentioned nation building they thought I was talking about Lego Blocks! Or maybe it was the usual: they were just using passed along “what we need to do for one another and as a people” jargon because they felt that was the right thing to do. No further action required.

You see, most priests celebrating their initiation anniversary will get out here and tell you all this good stuff…This same ole pie in the sky stuff. But I, His Imperial Majesty Agelogbagan, am telling you the real.

It has been an interesting ride with spurts of very positive. I’ve accomplished a lot in those 18 years. I have produced 20 of my 22 unique and groundbreaking  publications during this time. Inspired by my ancestors, I have been the only one to incorporate an Afrikan writing script into our Afrikan way of life. I was able, inspired by my ancestors again, to be able to write Vodún sacred text strictly using Ajã language and an Afrikan writing script called N’ko. I became the first “African American” to publish a book containing verses from each of the 256 Odù Ifá in 2011. I was ultimately honored and privileged to become the first Ajã Axɔ̀sú  (king) ever crowned outside of Benin on September 27, 2010. And from there on May 12, 2012 we founded Gànlɔdó Maroon monarchy – an Afrikan kingdom in America. 

However, when I was initiated, I was told I was here to serve the community and to nation build. I was exhilarated. However, what they did not tell me is that that service would not be reciprocated by the very community I serve.

However, I end with this. They say in our tradition one must do what there destiny says as given to them by Olódùmarè/Măwù, but I say that it is just a matter of time before someone realizes that they need to leave an abusive relationship.

Ayìnɔ̀n (His Imperial Majesty) Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I

*The Fɔ̀n people are an Ajã subgroup.

Names Explain Why We Operate the Way We Do: An African Worldview

Names as to why we Operate in the World the Way we Do
When we have a proper African concept of names, it helps to explain a LOT about people. It also causes us to reflect and think on WHY certain people move in a certain way.
When engaged in Afrikan traditions, along the way you receive certain names. They are given before and during initiation. Let’s take myself as example. This will also let you know why I move the way i move.
When I first became involved in the culture, pre initiation, i received the names Awotunde and Ifáṣeyin. Awotunde is a male reincarnated awo, or reincarnated Ifá priest. It literally means “the awo has returned“. This, of course, means I was a Babaláwo/Ifá priest in a previous life time: not just an initiate, but an actual trained functional working priest. Ifáṣeyin means “one who will make sure Ifá (the sacred oracle and the repository of Yorùbá knowledge) is respected“.
When I was initiated to Ifá as a priest in the Iṣẹṣẹ aspect, the name Dòsùnmú was revealed as my priestly name. This name means “one who holds on to the sacred òsùn staff“. The òsùn staff is a symbol of a babaláwo’s authority and connection with Ọrúnmìlà – deity of Ifá divination. Of important note, this staff also represents CULTURE and all that it contains.
When initiated to Fá in the Afrikan Vodùn system (Ifá in Yorùbá) the sacred Ajã name of Fáwɛnsagun was revealed for me. This name means “messenger of Fá“, and of course Fá is very similar to the sacred Ifá oracle but from the Ajã (Fòn) perspective. Thus, one can clearly see a connection between Fáwɛnsagun, Dòsùnmú, and Ifáṣeyin. All three of these names point to someone who comes here to uphold, and defend culture and ancestral laws. Additionally, my day name is “Yao – a male born on a Thursday” in the Twi language of the Akan. Yao people are often very political and not in a democrat or republican sense. They are also often viewed as militant. What I always say it is simply the Maroon spirit in them. They often create new lanes and are most often non-conformists
From this personal example, you can see that when you are involved in a living culture, you can overstand why people move the way they do; why I move the way I do. I came here to do what you are witnessing exactly the way I’m doing it. It’s my destiny. It is built into me. So when we are equipped with this knowledge we learn how to support the destiny of the individual and not sit in confusion and off-centered assessments.
So now the question is what does YOUR name say about your destiny? And are you willing to find out?
Ayìnɔ̀n Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I

Ganlodo Criteria for being Recognized as an Afrikan Monarchy or as an AfrikanTitle Holder

We want to go on record as to our status as an Afrikan xotome (monarchy) and how we go about the recognition of other Afrikan organizations. It is well known that we are a properly established Afrikan monarchy founded and rooted in authentic Aja culture just 2 years after Axosu axosu lee ton Agelogbagan Agbovi was crowned the first axosu (Aja-Fon culture King) outside of Benin Republic West Afrika. Historically, monarchies often establish links and recognition between other monarchies, monarchs, chieftaincies, priesthoods, temples, and the like. That being said, we felt there was a need for us to present the requirements for any of the aforementioned to be recognized by us, the Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome (Ganlodo Maroon Monarchy). This applies to all who claim to have Afrikan titles, Afrikan monarchies, Afrikan spiritual temples, Afrikan villages and the like around the world, including Máwùfe (Afrika) itself.

1) You must first be Afrikan. You must clearly be Afrikan genetically/physically. Ganlodo does not subscribe to the miseducated thoughts of “We all are from Afrika” or “Everybody comes from us”. This is false. In short,  both parents must be Afrikan.

2) You must have an Afrikan only policy. “Afrikan” meaning that the people you have as members of your organizations must be Afrikan only. Also there are no donations of any kind coming from non Afrikans.

3) “Afrikan only” also means that you do not do spiritual, medicinal or cultural work for non Afrikans. Not only that,  but this also means you have a policy of not even discussing Afrikan traditions with non Afrikans (Asians, Whites, Hispanics who are non Afrikan and who do not fit the description of “Afrikan” above) . This also means they do not attend and are not welcomed at your events, rituals, or celebrations. This clearly means that if you are supposed to be an Afrikan king, queen, chief, kwk you do not give audience to the non Afrikan in that titled capacity nor do you culturally associate with those that do.

4) You do not condone* or engage in any form of dissexuality. Dissexuality is any form of same sex relations, interracial relationships, pedophilia, rape and european approaches to intimate relationships (Afrikans who engage in European-style relationships)

5) You do not engage in non Afrikan friendships and are not inviting towards them in ways outside of business deals/transactions

6) You do not engage in or condone, in your temples/monarchies/organizations/in your title capacity… kwk, any form of degeneracy which scars the Afrikan community world-wide, including but not exclusive of domestic violence, men dominating women, women dominating men, drug use and selling, holding gang membership while also claiming Afrikan traditions, public foul behavior and language (we shouldn’t have to spell that out to you), thug behavior, and the like.

7)You nor your temple, organization, priesthood, chieftaincy or other Afrikan titles engage in or condone the practice of any non Afrikan and made up ideologies and religious traditions including but not exclusive of ANY FORM of judaism, christianity (including catholicism, rastafarian), islam, hebrew israelite, hinduism, buddhism, b’hai, jainism, wicca, roscicrusian, moorish science, “native american” spirituality, freemasonry, greek lettered organizations, five percenters/gods and earths, nuwabians (and other made up Kemetic themed stuff) and the like, as these are all antithetical to the Afrikan worldview.

We could probably think of more, but we feel these are the basics that would allow Ganlodo to recognize or not recognize you, your organizations, and your titles and set up the atmosphere whereas we can form treatises and alliances. If you and yours fit this criteria, please contact us at Someone will be happy to reply to you promptly. If any of the above is being engaged in, which we call our core consideration, then there will be no recognition.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Ganlodo does not recognize any other Afrikan monarchy, whether in Máwùfe (Afrika) or abroad because none we have encountered meet these standards which should be “auto-standard” for Afrikan people anyway. However, if you do know of any monarchy, egbe, ile, temple, chief (gender neutral), priests, kwk who are holding the above numbered standards then please let us know. We know there are going to be only a few of us out here either way.

Ganlodo Kilombonu Xotome

Declared this 27th day of Dokun in the year 6260 (Oct 16, 2019)

*Condone for us also means you do not associate with persons who engage in these activities even if you don’t engage in them. This definition of “condone” applies to the complete document.


Hwetanu Ganlodo alo Vodun – Official New Year for the Monarchy of Ganlodo and African Vodun

an afrikan new year a vodun new year

Mi ku do xweme sin Kilombo Ganlodo  Xotome  (afternoon greetings to all from the Maroon monarchy of Ganlodo)

Today, being the month of Kulito, day one, in the year 6260 AX (AX – year of the clan or clan formation) marks the xwe yoyo or xwetanu (New Year) for the monarchy of Ganlodo. We wish to extend a warm New Year greeting of blessings, wealth, spiritual prosperity, personal development, spiritual healing, family development and nation building.

It should be noted that this is the official New Year and calendar for our ancient Vodun tradition as put forth by the monarchy of Ganlodo in an effort to restore the integrity, order and proper protocol to Afrikan Vodun – as there has been a big degeneration of the culture in those areas in Mawufe (Afrika) and around the world. Our year starts on the Vernal Equinox so we can also wish you a happy equinox. The days of Afrikanizing european months and observing the off time of their gregorian calendar are over. Join the Ganlodonumeto (person of Ganlodo) in the glorious movement of restoration and nation building through the Kilombo Paradigm.


Clearing the Air about His Imperial Majesty’s Imprisonment for a Crime He did not do

axosu agelogbagan agbovi of ganlodo

There have been many evildoers in the so called conscious community and Isese (Yoruba) tradition in amerikkka who have tried to use the fact that, 27 years ago, His Imperial Majesty Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn Agbovi was falsely accused of and convicted with no evidence of a horrible crime. They never hear his side because they love drama in those circles. However ,for those that want to know the truth, this is what truly happened. Check out these videos for the absolute truth.

To the evil doers and backbiters in the RBG (red, black and green so called black power types with no plan for our people and who are often always broke) so csloed conscious “community” who have no character or culture whatsoever and the Isese (Yoruba) practitioners who have assisted the white people in defaming my name without hearing my side of the story or even directly speaking to me: PLEASE lay your eyes on this. As smart as you all are, having all the answers without real research, and with all the books y’all have read, we are sure that you must know what this Aja (Fon) chant says. You will carry this with you.
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E na jimakplon aho a di. 
A nă kú dɛ dɛ alo tagba tagba. 
Nù ná awovinon ni hwetanu nú wè. 
Xevioso nã blo nu bi. E je ne!!!

Part 1

Part 2 Focuses More on the Cowardly Antics of One who calls himself Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akan – a true traitor and enemy of Afrikan Culture, and his involvement in smearing my name falsely