From my book “Kpólí Fá of Afrikan Vodún”
E káàbò! (Welcome)
We welcome you to the first ever authentic Esoteric African Vodun video series conducted by His Imperial Majesty Axosu Agelogbagan Azàsinkpontín Jisovi Agbovi I under the auspices of the Ganlodo Center for Vodun Instruction,or GCVI. These videos and their teachings cannot be found anywhere on His Imperial Majesty’s YouTube videos. All videos will be sent via email upon purchase receipt. The complete series is $300. Payment can be made via Cashapp at $kilombonon6263
This video covers the content of the 13 video, 6 hour video series. Note that this description does not mention the addition of the 13th lesson which is called Vodun Expressions of Emotion, Their Relation to the Stomach, and Holistic Being.
This video gives a five minute excerpt from the introduction of the series.
A perfect compliment to this series is the groundbreaking book: The Kilombo Paradigm: Maroon Sovereignty through Vodun Culture
Note- This series has been expanded by 1 hour with the additions of Gbesu and Divine Intelligent Design and Vodun Expressions of Emotion, Their Relation to the Stomach, and Holistic Being. This is what now makes the series 6 hours long . Also note that the website I mention in the video, restoration healing, is no longer in existence.
Fongbe Primer: Functional Fongbe for our Everyday World is our first production of a book on an Afrikan language, and the first book written by an “African American” on the Fon language spoken primarily in Southern Benin Republic, but also in as wide a range extending from Southwest Nigeria to Ghana; also used as a ritual language in Brazilian Candomble, and as the basis for the creole language of Ayiti (Haiti) along with its ritual language. Fongbe Primer is an excellent work for those in the beginner to intermediary stages of the Fon language of Southern Benin Republic. Fongbe Primer is unique in that it is a Fon language book that contains a plethora of very valuable West Afrikan Vodun terminology. Fòngbè Primer is the latest addition to the wealth of extant publications and contributions making Afrikan languages accessible to Afrikan descendants. For the first time we have an intelligible, easy to study and read Fon-English resource for English speaking Afrikans seeking to learn the Fon language. With over 9,300 entries, Fongbe Primer is a major contribution to the active movement of Re-Afrikanization via tools assisting with living Afrikan culture.
One does not have a culture without a living language. Therefore, this Fon language book presents the reader with functional Fongbe (Fon language) to be used in everyday situations. To Re-Afrikanize is an arduous process that must include, as one of its most vital components, the resurrection and implementation of Afrikan languages in one’s daily life. Fongbe Primer is a great source for those who have embraced Aja (Fon) culture, especially those that are returning New Afrikan practitioners of the powerful and most ancient spiritual tradition of Vodun – a powerful tradition deeply embedded within Fon culture and people.
Special care has been taken to include all proper tonations (low, mid, high) and special characters with appropriate visual accent marks. This book is a must have for serious students of Afrikan languages and cultures. This book is not just a language book. It is filled with many historical and conceptual facts as they relate to Aja-Fon culture, history, philosophy, and the Vodun spiritual worldview.
Table of Contents
About this Book
Path and Purpose
The Alphabet in Fɔ̀ngbè
Expressing Time and Numbers
Months and Days of the Week
Personal Pronouns and Usage
Word Addendums that
Shape Meaning
Monosyllabic Verbs
Preposition Usage
Kpè Máwú: Praising the Creator
Useful Sentences and Their Structure
Proverbial and Oracular Wisdom
Everyday usage Body Parts Clothing Household About the Author
Purchase here at Kilombo Restoration and Healing.
We are happy to announce that His Imperial Majesty Agelogbagan Agbovi’s latest work, Kilombo Paradigm: Maroon Sovereignty through Vodun Culture, is now available! This profound work is a unique and well researched book. It is unique in that nowhere in Afrikan traditions in the world will you see such an analysis that breaks down the spiritual, political, social, economic, and sovereign thrust of Afrikan culture and how to use it to obtain sovereignty in such a clear cut way. The Kilombo Paradigm is a solid treatise and real solution to that old question: “What will it take for Afrikan people to get back on top?”. The Kilombo Paradigm offers a step by step program towards achieving Afrikan sovereignty and obtaining sovereign space. It is based on the concepts of family development, nation building, and full ReAfrikanization. The political thrust of the Kilombo Paradigm, combined with its envelopment within authentic Afrikan Vodun culture and spirituality, lays out a functional plan for economic, political, family, national and spiritual elevation. The Kilombo Paradigm is the answer to taking Afrikan culture to the next level of functionality and producing worldwide respect for Afrikan people.
A Kilombo is a sovereign space that was created by those captive Afrikans who escaped captivity and created sovereign communities. The Kilombo Paradigm informs us that we must first create that sovereign space in our minds before we can successfully create sovereign spaces (kilombos) in the world. The Kilombo Paradigm is the culmination of 28 years of involvement and leadership in Afrikan-centered programs, institutions, and study of and immersion in Afrikan culture and spiritual sciences of Afrikan Vodun and the Isese tradition of the Yoruba people. Purchase here.
This brief video goes into further detail