Awŏvì (Entity-Chaos), Its Yõvó Enemy-Parasite Agent and How to Overcome Them
From a Maroon perspective, we have discovered and expounded upon the concept of the -enemy-parasite, how it operates from outside, how it effects Afrikans from without and within, and solutions on how to remove it. We expound on it here in brief with these excerpts from my book “The Kilombo Paradigm: Maroon Sovereignty Through Vodun Culture”.
When we say kɛn-nùvíɖogbɛ or “enemy-parasite”, we are speaking of the historical enemies and oppressors of Afrikan people. Those are primarily the European and Arab. Yet, in truth, when you break it down the enemy-parasite has conquered nothing of great substance. They are as large, or as hegemonic as we are intimidated by their confused and boisterous machinations. What they have done is to zealously accommodate themselves as agents of the entity-chaos. This is the more formidable challenge. Its existence antedates the enemy-parasite. In Vodún, this is the spirit entity called Awŏvì.
The enemy-parasite is a small thing. It is like those pesky yet weak lower level spirits of bad intent who must have hosts (preferably those weaker in spirit and open to such negation) in order that they may find expression. They are what people make and allow them to be.
We must learn to recognize intrinsic and extrinsic challenges. We must recognize the enemy-parasite and the entity-chaos that we carry unconsciously in the recesses of our psyche; their major vehicle. We must know the entity-chaos, its vehicles, and the enemy-parasite in all of their manifestations. This will take continual and intense study and analysis of authentic Afrikan cultures and spiritual sciences.
The agents of destruction (the yõvó – historical enemies and would be destroyers of Afrikan people) are no more than agents. They act in the service of an entity greater than themselves. They have embraced it, celebrated it, and defined themselves within it. It is an entity that has no name. The closest descriptive term in Vodún culture is Awŏvì (leader of the spirits of complete and uncontrollable chaos).
Don’t Continue to be a Host to the Enemy-Parasite: Build Up Your Spiritual/Cultural Immune System
Notice that we use the term parasite. Parasites use hosts to survive and perpetuate themselves. Like a marauding, viral disease, it senses the internal weaknesses and the self-compromised defenses of a possible host. It then infiltrates, neutralizes the host’s defenses, camouflages and multiplies itself, and finally overwhelms the host in a feeding frenzy. In its greedy, blinded engorgement, it eventually exhausts itself. A weakened host galvanizes heretofore unrecognized resources and mounts a renewed offensive that facilitates its own recovery and expulsion of the disease. It is not enough, however, to merely arrest or contain the disease. It must be expelled.
The problem is that some hosts don’t know they are hosts and are devoured from within. Some Afrikans are agents of their own destruction by aiding the ailments brought by the enemy-parasite. This is why a Maroon approach to healing and sovereignty is very important. The Maroon realizes that there may be more power in our quality than our quantity.
The enemy-parasite and the entity-chaos are virulent and insidious. The consequence of any accommodation of the enemy-parasite at this point in our history will be a perpetually enfeebled and humiliating subservience.
Check list on overcoming the entity-chaos and its agent, the enemy-parasite
– learn the various cultured ways to identify the Enemy-Parasite in all forms
-check yourself that you do not aid white supremacy (this includes Arabs). Check for the inner enemy.
– return to your original culture and realize it has the keys to empowerment
– live your culture with every intent of achieving proper family development, nation building, and sovereignty