The African American Identity Crisis Addressed by the Ifá Oracular Spiritual Science

What Does the Ifá Oracle Roots Reading System Say About the Idea by Some New Afrikans that We Come from Amerikkka and Not Afrika?
Afrikan spiritual sciences and oracles like the Yorùbá system of Ifá are profound and are now studied by many non-Afrikans, even to the point of being taught in universities. Initiation into the sacred shrine of Ifá is sought by many, including the previously mentioned non-Afrikans.
There are various levels of divination done by Ifá priests who are called awo – mystery/secret (babaláwo for a male and ìyánífá for a female). One such level is one developed by and for New Afrikans, Afrikans who were displaced by the Maafa (captivity and its horrendous results) is called Ipilẹṣẹ Fá, or “your Foundations/Roots according to Ifá“. You will most often hear the term Roots Reading in reference to the Ipilẹṣẹ Fá. This system was built upon a more ancient Ifá system of divination that is done for a child when she/he comes into the world.
To the left, and Ifá divination board called opọn Ifá with the ikin Ifá, or divination seeds. To the right, an Ifá divination chain called opele.
The beauty of the Ifá Oracle is that it takes human opinion out of the equation. It is the unmitigated truth, and when its messages are followed, as Afrikans, we are returned to true knowledge of self. Awo (Ifá priests), male and female, are expected to be honest and unbiased and to only allow the Oracle to speak. This eliminates false accusations, confirms correct assumptions and dispels incorrect assumptions and opinions. Violation of this code of conduct can bring major spiritual consequences for the Awo.
Not only must you be an initiate of the sacred wisdom divinity Ifá/Ọrúnmìlà to do this reading, but you must be properly and thoroughly trained to do so. As it is its own system within the larger system, it takes a few years of extra training on top of your other regular Ifá priesthood training to be able to execute this profound science that helps people discover who they really are. This system can only be done by trained Ifá priests born in the belly of the Maafa ìtànkálẹ̀ (diaspora) as it is specifically tailored for those whose ancestors were scattered by the Great Disaster of Afrikan captivity. Nobody directly from Afrika is trained in this system, and if you run into one from the continent saying they do Roots Readings then they are lying.
Video breaking down Roots Readings
That being said, unfortunately, all of the elders in the United Snakes who used to do the Roots Readings have passed into the other realm. However, there are for sure two of their students left and one possible (so I’ve heard) that are properly trained to do this intense reading. Of the two for sure, I am one of them.
In short, the Roots Reading tells the New Afrikan where his/her ancestors on both sides came from, when they came here, how they came here, where the landed, the exact year, the exact names, family and personal occupations before and during the Maafa, family names and totems, clan names and totems, social status, and more.
All of that was said to say this. There seems to appear a new fad of misinformation-that-becomes- fact for New Afrikan people every 10-12 years. That new fad-become-fact is that our people are from over here and not from Afrika! Since 6247 AX (2006 on the Gregorian calendar) I have done over 1000 indepth Roots Readings. The other babaláwo I mentioned of the “two-for-sure” mentioned to me he has done at least double that! I asked him had ANY of the results of the Roots Readings he’s done said that the ROOTS of the person sitting in front of him getting the reading were from anywhere in the Americas. He literally laughed because he thought I was joking. Realizing I was serious, he said heck no! Out of the over 1000 Roots Readings I’ve done, not one roots reading said the person’s ancestry was rooted anywhere in the americas!!!
Even the elders who have passed away, and didn’t know about this “we are really from the Americas” fad NEVER mentioned they did a reading of a person’s roots coming from anywhere else but Mãwùfɛ̀ (Afrika).
His Imperial Majesty Agelogbagan Agbovi, author of this article
Ayìnɔn (His Imperial Majesty) Agelogbagan Agbovi, author of this article

We are thankful for the profound truth that has been left to us in the form of Ifá. Ifá exposes truths and lies. Ifá straightens out that which has become crooked. Ifá brings clarity to the Afrikan mind and soul which has been bombarded with so much foreign enemy ideology that many now have a NEW IDENTITY CRISIS. However, for those wishing for clarity on their real identity, know that the Ifá Oracle is here for you.