This is to address the “they are making up stories. Where are the slave ships? We were already here” narratives that have become popular.
I have been doing the spiritual science called a “Roots Reading” since 2006. That’s 17 years. I know someone else from the lineage that has been doing them way longer. This spiritual science used in these readings comes from the sacred Ifá oracle of the Yorùbá people. One has to be properly trained to do this in depth Ifá reading that speaks in detail on an Afrikan person’s true ancestry. Letting the spiritual technology speak says that, as a diviner, I can’t be bias or make up stuff. Let the spirits speak and take your opinions out of it.
Now, in those 17 years, if I had to guess, I’ve done well over 1000 of those readings! Not ONE of those readings results said that any of those people’s ancestors were already here and were captured and put into captivity. Not one! The other babalawo (Ifá priest) I alluded to who has been doing it way longer also attests that not ONE of his readings said that either.
W.E.B. Dubois talked about the identity crisis of “black” people 120 years ago in his classic book “The Souls of Black Folk“. However, even then, New Afrikan people knew their ancestors had been snatched from another land and forcefully brought here . So it seems 120 years later that the New Afrikan identity crisis has gotten worse.