The Ganlodo Take on American Independence Day

The Great American Declaration of Independence. Freedom for all, right?

On this day, July 4, 247 years ago, the United Snakes of America declared independence from what they called the tyranny of British oppression. One of the primary drafters of the declaration was Thomas Jefferson who would go on to be the 3rd president of the USA and probably the most famous pedophile in American history! That’s right. While they were declaring freedom from British tyranny, Jefferson was raping young Afrikan captive girls on his plantation he owned as captor (so called Slave master). Simultaneously, George Washington, amerikkka’s first president, was pulling teeth out of the mouths of his male captives to replace his. He physically owned over 300 Afrikan captives during this time.

Now I know this is a time for most of our people just to simply get together and have fun. You have a day off. I get it. But believe it or not there are black people who have fallen for the false idea behind the Fourth of You Lie. They fought for their freedom while keeping your ancestors in shackles! And they were free to walk around and do as they pleased under this so called British tyranny.

Some will remain in ignorance. Some, however, just need the right info. For those willing to come out of ignorance, share this post with them.

On this day, after you pick up that beer and liquor from the Asian owned liquor store, and you get that meat from white owned Kroger/Winn Dixie/Publix/Jewel-Osco/Walmart I want you to do something.

Remember your ancestors who did not taste not one bit of that independence of 1776 and never anything contained in the lofty Bill of Rights. Pour out some of that liquor to the ground for those souls that suffered WORSE oppression after the 1776 farce. Put some of that food to the side for their souls. Say some prayers to elevate those souls. 

There is no happy fourth of July for our people unless you consider a continuous nightmare happy. Do the math.