Kúlitɔ Hɔngbó at Ganlodo

Today, on Kilɔmbozangbe (“Sunday”)  month of Kúlítɔ́, 6264 AX (which happens to fall on the Gregorian  April 9, 2023) at the Maroon Monarchy of Ganlodo, we celebrate what is called Kúlitɔ Hɔngbó. This word literally means “ancestor portal” in the Fɔ̀n dialect of the Ajã  language found in southern Benin Republic West Afrika. This is based on our ancient authentic azanlilen (calendar) going back over 6000 years and used by those who live Afrikan Vodun culture. It was observed long ago that the elevated ancestors used a repeated 27-day cycle to make their presence and power available to us on a larger collective scale than on the personal ancestral veneration scale. On this day, every 27 days, special rites and rituals are done for the ancestral collective of your own blood lineage to empower those that acknowledge the love, benevolence and role these ancestors play in our lives. It is also used to do the continuous work of healing our bloodlines from the various mishaps and tragedies (self inflicted and from the outside) that still plague our families. If it plagues the family then it plagues the community. Thus, making the work of nation building and sovereignty that much harder.