Hwetanu Ganlodo alo Vodun – Official New Year for the Monarchy of Ganlodo and African Vodun

an afrikan new year a vodun new year

Mi ku do xweme sin Kilombo Ganlodo  Xotome  (afternoon greetings to all from the Maroon monarchy of Ganlodo)

Today, being the month of Kulito, day one, in the year 6260 AX (AX – year of the clan or clan formation) marks the xwe yoyo or xwetanu (New Year) for the monarchy of Ganlodo. We wish to extend a warm New Year greeting of blessings, wealth, spiritual prosperity, personal development, spiritual healing, family development and nation building.

It should be noted that this is the official New Year and calendar for our ancient Vodun tradition as put forth by the monarchy of Ganlodo in an effort to restore the integrity, order and proper protocol to Afrikan Vodun – as there has been a big degeneration of the culture in those areas in Mawufe (Afrika) and around the world. Our year starts on the Vernal Equinox so we can also wish you a happy equinox. The days of Afrikanizing european months and observing the off time of their gregorian calendar are over. Join the Ganlodonumeto (person of Ganlodo) in the glorious movement of restoration and nation building through the Kilombo Paradigm.