We cannot repeat this enough: Afrikan royalty and Afrikan royal institutions, when operating from the perspective of good character and merit (not just royal blood) should be taken very seriously. Unfortunately, many Afrikans who are actively engaged , especially of the itankale (Yoruba for “diaspora”), do not view their royal traditions on a par with others who have royalty. Furthermore, they often do not associate African Royalty with any locality outside of the Afrikan continent. However, our royal institution here at Ganlodo is very real, very serious, and very functional. That being said, we use this page to introduce you to some of the current crown jewels of Ganlodo. Yes, Afrikans do have crown jewels and have had them thousands of years before non-Afrikans had them.
Axoxo Aza Sika Ganlodo
This is the Aza Sika Ganlodo, Golden Crown of Ganlodo, or more formally the Axoxo Aza Sika Ganlodo – The Imperial Golden Crown of Ganlodo. This aza (crown) was commissioned in the year 6255 A.X. (2014 Gregorian calendar) as the official state crown of Ganlodo. One will notice that it is bedecked with various gems including high quality pyrite and amethyst. This is the first time that an African crown has ever been commissioned and made in the United States of America. It should be kept in mind for Afrikan people, the Aza Sika is sacred and is also a shrine. This crown is kept under close guard in the throne room of Honme Kilombo (Kilombo Palace).
Makpo, Afokpaxo, Jandeman, Afozinkpo and Hwexɔvú
Makpo Axosu Agelogbagan Ganlodo
This is the most visible and common symbol of authority of an axosu/axosi (King/Queen in the Aja-Fon language). In later Aja times, and currently, makpos began to be carried by high ranking chiefs. This symbol usually rests over the left shoulder of the monarch/chief. In addition to the makpo design itself, it is usually distinguished by the totem or symbol of the bearer. One will note a crocodile on this one. This is because this is the personal royal symbol for Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn and it references part of his name, the meaning of his name, and his destiny as axosu. Yoruba oba do not carry these. This is the first and only time a makpo has been commissioned for and made outside of the Mawufe (Afrika). This makpo was made by a New Afrikan for a New Afrikan King.
Jandeman and Afozinkpo (Royal throne and royal Footstool)
The Jandeman (the wooden seat-like object that the book rests against) were the actual thrones the monarchs sat on before they started using backed chair thrones. However, the jandeman is still important, especially as a symbol, because it is a visual symbol of the investment of the people in the monarchy. The jandeman is the symbol of the nation. This is the Jandeman of Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn and of the people of Ganlodo. It is fully invested with certain sacred rights. The jandeman, as is the Aza Sika, is a shrines in and of itself. Various important royal and communal rituals use the jandeman as a focal point. The afozinkpo (footstools) are used by monarchs when sitting. Usually, you will know if this person is a real monarchy by how he rests his feet on the afozinkpo.
Hwexɔvú – Royal Umbrella
The royal umbrella is a common theme among Afrikan monarchs, Queen Mothers and high ranking chiefs (chief is used gender neutral by Ganlodo just as the word Priest). What distinguishes the Aja people’s (Fon, Seto, Ajara, Tori, Hula, Ayizo, kwk) use of the umbrella is that it normally will bear certain symbols on it that are specific to the person it is made for. Thus, as you will oncr again see in this case, the royal mighty corcodile is on this one with images of a makpo. The colors are specific to His Imperial Majesty Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn Jisovi Agbovi I. These are the same colors one can see on his personal Coat of Arms (the King’s personal descriptive symbol).
Axo Caba and Axo Ganvi
Royal Cuffs and Royal Rings
The first one to the left is the official state crocodile ring in the shape of the totem of H.I.M. It is the personal royal ring of H.I.M. Àgèlògbàgàn. This is a fairly large ring not worn on a daily basis. Note the eyes are inset with rubies.
The second ring is the official ring of Ganlodo. It is the sacred python Dangbe swallowing its tail reminding us of the constant intertwining of time, the importance of intergenerational thought being in the fore of our minds, renewal and sacred time itself. Only select people would be allowed to wear a ring like this. The axosu’s ring is the only one allowed to be inset with jewels. Note that the Axosu’s ring is inset with emeralds.
Axo Ganvi – Royal Cuffs
One will note the rose gold cuffs have a design on them. That’s is also a crocodile. Another distinguishing feature of Aja monarchs is that they often wear long, at least six inch, cuffs. You will not see this on Yoruba oba in general. The only time that you may ever see this is on the Yoruba Oba of the town of Ketu which is heavily influenced by Aja culture. But even that is a long shot possibility.
Kopgue – Royal Walking Cane
One will note the crocodile theme yet again with the handle. This is one of the kpogue preferred by H.I.M. Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn Jisovi Agbovi I with the King’s personal engraving on it.
All of the above are crown jewels for Afrikan people and their African royalty. Others include the Yoruba beaded canes and crowns. What is not commonly known that some Aja monarch’s possess and periodically don Yoruba beaded crowns and beaded canes, especially if there is a degree of Yoruba royal blood in them as is the case of Axosu Àgèlògbàgàn.